What surprised me in a positive way
- that suddenly within a very short period of time things and decisions are possible which otherwise seemed impossible.
- the innovation jolt that goes through organizations and people.
- the search observed everywhere for new possibilities to communicate and act together.
- the discovery of new and positive possibilities on the internet.
- getting to know one’s own ability to react to changing conditions at very short notice and develop alternative solutions.
- that we are dealing with a deep, global crisis of immeasurable proportions, which has not arisen as a result of war between nations.
What worries me about it
- concern about how long this condition will persist.
- how our boys can learn from this crisis and prepare for the time after it.
- that the fall-out will affect the weakest.
- how quickly all economic sectors can be revived.
- whether the crisis will directly affect us financially.
- that the crisis and the fight against its effects will be reinterpreted and exploited by many political interests, especially by small-minded parties.
What I learn from this
- that nothing in life is guaranteed.
- how valuable it is to live in a community where many of the vital tasks are organized in solidarity and cooperation (water supply and disposal, garbage collection, heating, health care, etc.).
- to live with constantly changing circumstances and to have to reorient one’s actions again and again at short notice.
- how difficult it is sometimes to correctly prioritize and cope with the sudden surge in the number of necessary decisions, both personal and professional, in the shortest possible time.
Published by Horst Seele-Liebetanz
Digital Ethicist, Political Communication, Psychology
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