A quite intriguing philosopher.
He is a contemporary thinker with quite a differentiated view on our new and divided, supposedly ‘equal’ society. Check out this Guardian article.
πεντηκοστὴ ἡμέρα
What a spooky thing: “Pentecost” – the fiftieth day after easter, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem.
Could we get some more of that please?
Mind, society, emotions and power structures
A great article about the work of the philosopher Byung-Chul Han:
A thought
That is why all improvers of our situation who merely concentrate on health are so petit-bourgeois and odd, the raw fruit and vegetable brigade, the passionate herbivores, or even those who practice special breathing techniques. All this is a mockery compared with solid misery, compared with diseases which are produced not by weak flesh but by powerful hunger, not by faulty breathing but by dust, smoke, and lead. Of course there are people who breathe correctly, who combine a pleasant self-assurance with well-ventilated lungs and an upright torso which is flexible to a ripe old age. But it remains a prerequisite that these people have money; which is more beneficial for a stooped posture than the art of breathing.
— Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope
Spring in the backyard
The Mirabelle in bloom again
Biarritz during the German occupation
After spending a couple of days in Biarritz, France, it is interesting to get a little more informed about the time off the occupation during German fascism in Europe.
Here’s an interesting report:
Not familiar with French? As long as I haven’t translated the text myself, try this Google-translation.
My personal favorite for Easter 2018
Going to Spain!
Three days Biarritz is enough, now we are going to Santo Sebastian.
Une journée en route
Heute geht’s nach Biarritz! Ein Ritt über 14 Stunden mit ICE und TGV.
Das geht gut los. Der erste Zug hat 5 Minuten Verspätung. Bin mal gespannt wie es sich in den nächsten 14 Stunden weiter entwickelt… Ralph hatte mir schon angekündigt, dass in Frankreich gestreikt würde.
Point of view
BBBR slide show
Here are the pictures of our beautiful bike tour fall 2017:
A different kind of Saturday
This is one of the days which developes totally different than presumed:
This morning I started the car, which we used to drive our bikes back to the north and suddenly the clutch didn’t work at all. I couldn’t get out of the first gear anymore and the carcame to a standstill in the middle of the street. Hazard lights on and calling the most popular organization in Germany, the ADAC (the German AAA).
As it turned out, it’s not only the clutch cable, but the clutch itself, which is totally broken and has to be repaired.
So the AAA guy towed me to the next garage in the neighborhood.
Wieczorek, an old style car repair shop who handles Jaguars as well as old French 2CVs and every other car. Great place with great people. Not that kind of sterile Service centers looking like an operation room like the big car companies repair shops
They will take care of the car.
Spontaner Ausflug mit Sven nach Schleswig-Holstein, um nach dem Open-Air-Konzert in Wacken mal das Gelände zu checken.
Bei einen Zwischenstopp auf dem sympathischen Flughafen von St. Michaelisdonn des Dithmarscher Luftsportvereins finden wir einen Artikel im aktuellen fliegermagazin.de über einen tragischen Unfall von Clubfreunden von Sven:

Different kinds of Flying
And last, but not least: Leonard flying his self-financed drone in Bremen, next to the Soccer Stadium of Werder Bremen: Youtube.
Still love it going up, once in a while with my friend Sven in Bremen, Germany for spin with his Cirrus SR22.